Ntcheu man wins brand new Nissan Pickup in OG 'Moto Kuti Buuu' Promo - Nyasa Times

O G Match Company rolled out the promotion in January 2014 and was initially expected to conclude in January this year, but it was extended to August 18 to allow more users of O G Safety Matches participate in the promotion. Herbert couldn’t believe when Kamulete telephoned him to break the good news that he was now the proud of the pickup they dangled in the promotion. It is surprising to learn that the promotion was still active, I did forget about this promotion. Kamulete said they committed to uplifting the lives of Malawians through such promotions and promised that they will come with a “bigger and better promotion in the next six months”. We are also happy that we have successfully concluded the promotion and we given the winners their prizes. “It was reported in media that we have duped Malawians and others thought the promotion had died a natural death, but he we are, conducting the grand draw. Will come with another promotion, will bigger and better,” said Kamulete. He said they rolled out the promotion to promote their O G safety matches, which he said, are unique and very safe. Source: www.nyasatimes.com