1996 Range Rover P38 - Land Rover Owner International Magazine

A decade ago, the de rigueur Land Rover engine conversion involved junking your tired old 2. 5-litre normally aspirated diesel for a 300Tdi. Buoyed by the big improvement in performance, you may have got carried away and dreamed of fitting a Td5… or, hey, what about the new Td6 from the L322 Range Rover. As it turned out, a few adventurous owners did go on to fit Td5s, but nobody was brave enough to try the same with Td6. . At least, that’s what we’ve always believed to be the case. But get this – not only has French LRO reader Emmanuel Reynaud converted his 1996 Range Rover P38 to Td6 power, he did it as far back as 2003. And it has more than proved itself as a viable conversion – Emmanuel has taken it on expeditions to... Emmanuel knows his Land Rovers and was well-placed to do this conversion: he has more than 10 years’ workshop experience under his belt, first with a franchised dealer then running his own independent business, Land Technology, near Bordeaux. But Emmanuel needed only to compare the vital stats between that and the new Td6 motor fitted in the recently launched L322 Range Rover: 134bhp against 174bhp, and 199lb ft against 288lb ft. That settled it. The search for the necessary components... Source: www.lro.com