Little i-MiEV Electric Car: How Does It Compare To VW e-Golf? - Yahoo Sports

In the i-MiEV, short-and-upright seats give you a high vantage point but lead you to feel like you’re sitting on the bulk of the car. You’d better feel comfortable with your passenger, too, as you’ll be nearly bumping shoulders (as the i-MiEV is considerably narrower than most other U. S. -market small cars). The e-Golf, on the other hand, has great, supportive seats, with longer proportioning that gives far better support for one’s thighs and back. You sit lower in the car, for sure, and while that means visibility isn’t quite as great, you instantly get a better feel of the e-Golf’s handling and cornering capability. In back, both of these models are closer—and the Mitsubishi might even have the advantage, surprisingly. In the i-MiEV, we’ve found the back seat to be better-proportioned than the front seats, in some respects, and barring the same narrow feel, there’s lots of headroom and reasonably good legroom. In the Golf, there’s good space in back, but the door cuts and low-set front seats make getting in and out, and wedging feet underneath, quite a bit more difficult. The Volkswagen e-Golf, like most modern electric cars—whether they be ‘compliance cars’ or higher-production-volume affairs, gives you lots of readouts. Source: