Woman attempting selfie gets tossed by bison - Daily Republic

The woman and her daughter were by the trailhead sign when they decided to take a picture with a bison that was about 6 yards away from them. When they turned their backs to the bison to take the picture, someone warned that they were too close. They heard the bison’s footsteps moving toward them and started to run, but the bison caught the mother on the right side, lifted her up and tossed her with its head. The woman’s father covered her with his body to protect her and the bison moved about 3 yards away. “The family said they read the warnings in both the park literature and the signage, but saw other people close to the bison, so they thought it would be OK,” said Colleen Rawlings, Old Faithful district ranger. When an animal is near a trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area, visitors must give it a wide berth and not approach it closer than the required minimum distances: 25 yards away from all large animals — bison, elk, bighorn sheep,... Source: www.mitchellrepublic.com