Ford EcoBoost: 5 Million Strong - (blog)

In 2009, there were about 14,500 engines with Ford’s EcoBoost namesake. At the time, I was a Master Certified Sales Consultant at Sioux Falls Ford in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. All of us sales guys loved the power of the EcoBoost but the quantities on the lot were certainly limited. A client of mine, in 2010, admitted they thought the leaf on the EcoBoost logo meant it was “ some sort of new hybrid. It appeared to many at the time Ford was literally betting the farm by putting the EcoBoost in their number one seller. Deep down, I knew the EcoBoost F-150 was going to be successful but I never predicted it would redefine Ford’s stance in the automotive industry. I don’t think any dealership in 2011 anticipated the demand for EcoBoost F-Series trucks would grow so high. Today, EcoBoost technology is available in every passenger vehicle Ford creates. Triple Threat Regardless of displacement, EcoBoost engines share common character traits, particularly in how they make use of fuel and air. Source: