2011 BMW X6 M, an AW Drivers Log Car Review - AutoWeek
EXECUTIVE EDITOR ROGER HART: Each time I see and drive this BMW X6 M, I seriously wonder just who the audience is. Really. A $95,000 sled that weighs in at 5,300 pounds and looks, like, well--let's just say it kind of makes a camel look good. But with tires as wide as drag slicks, the X6 M tramlined on the road so bad that I got tired from constantly adjusting the steering to keep this between the ditches. Yes, it still drives like a BMW--a very big, very heavy and semiquick BMW. But really, who needs or wants a car like this. This car is too heavy to be really quick and too small to really act as an SUV. Really compelling. Like 0-to-60-mph-in-holy-crap-four-and-a-half-seconds kind of compelling. It's a challenge keeping the right foot properly leashed when all it wants to do is be that person driving way too stupidly fast for the ambient conditions. When I drove the beast at Road Atlanta last year, I almost couldn't believe how well the 5,300-pound monstrosity managed to replicate the driving dynamics of a much smaller, lighter BMW. And yet this is where the über car geeks get it way, way wrong. Just because it drives awesomely doesn't necessarily mean it's an awesome car. Source: autoweek.com