Uber investor details how she sold her car and saved money by relying on Uber - GeekWire

Is using Uber for your transportation needs cheaper than owning a car. The short answer is that Quinn saved a good chunk of money by selling her 2004 Toyota 4Runner and relying on uberX, Uber’s cheapest ride-hailing service. Her math shows that she spent $10,281 from August 2013 to August 2014 on the 4Runner when adding in expenses like parking, gas, and insurance. After moving to London for the next year, she relied on Uber and spent $4,655 for 12 months of transportation. Quinn admits that there are “some significant caveats to my comparison,” including the fact that she was in different cities, had a different work schedule, could have used a more fuel-efficient vehicle, and did not factor in her public... I gave up my car over 2 years ago here in Seattle and between Uber, Lyft, bus and Car2Go I never spent more than $400/month in total costs and usually it’s closer to $250. That’s living in Ballard and working downtown. When I need to get to the mountains or go on a trip I rent a car from Enterprise (have been debating adding ZipCar again) and it still is cheaper than owning a car. Source: www.geekwire.com