Woody Gilliland: Gung-ho Marine was all in for Rehab Center, and he's not ... - San Angelo Standard Times

ABILENE, Texas - What he has done out there shows that the right people come along at the right time if they are doing the right things. In this boy story, Woody has a last name — Gilliland — and he’s not a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy puppet but the retiring president and CEO of the West Texas Rehabilitation Center. Monday is the last day in the job that the former Marine and hospital administrator has held for the past 15 years, but he is not leaving-leaving the Rehab Center. He still will head the organization’s foundation, keep an office at the Abilene center and oversee the production of the telethon Rehab 2016 in January. “I’ll still be involved with the telethon to help Steve with his first one,” he said, referring to Steve Martin, the center’s chief operating officer who succeeds Gilliland as WTRC bossman. Getting the center’s story of service out to a larger audience is as important today as it was in 1971, when the first telethon aired. “I can’t think of a better example of servant leadership,” said Ezzell, who has been part of the WTRC team almost as long as Gilliland. “What he has done out there shows that the right people come along at the right time if they are doing the right things. Gilliland, 72, will have more time for grandkids and golf and whatever else life brings. Gilliland smiles that smile that says he’s not sure but why not try. Source: www.gosanangelo.com