Honda Dumps Civic Hybrid, CNG Models - Gas 2.0

While the rest of the world is going full speed ahead to bring alternative fuel cars to market, Honda is busy eliminating them from its product mix. This week, Honda’s executive vice-president, John Mendel, announced that the company is dumping the Civic Hybrid and the compressed natural gas (CNG) models from its product lineup, according to Green Car Reports. After the cars were “fixed”, fuel economy was often worse than it was for conventional Civics with conventional gasoline engines. Now the Civic Hybrid is history and there is nothing in the pipeline to replace it until at least 2018. Honda tried to promote the CNG cars but demand remained weak. “Honda has promoted CNG for many years, but customer demand remains quite small,” says Mandel. “There appears to be no real appetite on the part of competitors or policymakers to promote it. That, plus the negligible price different, mean that consumer demand just hadn’t developed as Honda hoped — and there seems little likelihood that the... Mendel says the two motor system will be offered soon in another Honda model but declined to provide specifics. He also says the company will bring three new “green” cars to market by 2018, including a battery. Source: