Soldiers Storm Magistrate Court, Beat up Court Officials, Set Free Couple ... - THISDAY Live

There was pandemonium wednesday in the premises of the Evbuoriaria Magistrate Courts in Benin-City, Edo State, as soldiers stormed one of the courts to set free a couple arraigned by officials of the state War Against Indiscipline (WAI) for... The army officers who had earlier stormed the premises of WAI located at the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Tourism beat up staff of the agency in their bid to rescue the arrested suspects. It was gathered that the couple however put a call to some persons who were also arrested along with them before a detachment of soldiers numbering about seven stormed the premises, firing gunshots sporadically into the air before beating up some... Following the intervention of the Permanent Secretary of the state Ministry of Transport, Lawrence Loye, who is a retired Major in the Nigeria army, the soldiers however left the premises without taking the suspects away. After that, officials of the agency, in line with the state traffic and sanitation laws, were said to have immediately dragged the suspects to a magistrate court who promptly slammed charges against them for obstruction and disobeying traffic light. The suspects who were at the court premises with the officials of WAI awaiting the assigning of the case to a magistrate were however caught unaware when a detachment of soldiers arrived at the premise with a Toyota Hilux van and dragged the... Source: