Can DU prof's moon theory capture support? - The Newark Advocate

A retired Denison University geosciences professor is getting help from the planet Venus and a changing outlook in the science world to help promote his theory about how the moon became part of our night sky. Professor Emeritus Bob Malcuit has published “The Twin Sister Planets Venus and Earth – Why are they so different. But a big part of his book is the “moon capture” theory he has espoused for nearly four decades. Malcuit believes that Earth’s gravity captured the moon from an earth-like, sun-centered orbit. Its original orbit, in this model, was located inside the orbit of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Under this scenario, a planet the approximate size of Mars collided with Earth, spewing debris into earth orbit that eventually coalesced to form the moon. DU Geosciences department chair Dave Goodwin said that in his book, Malcuit has highlighted the fundamental question of how we got the moon and how that question remains unanswered in many peoples’ eyes. Malcuit believes his theory has a fighting chance now because scientists at an international symposium in London, England in 2013 concluded that the giant impact theory has too many holes. Source: