A Tale Of Two IoT Security Outcomes - Dark Reading

But another piece of key security research -- which like the car hack of a 2014 Jeep Cherokee was revealed at Black Hat USA in Las Vegas last month -- remains at a standstill. Globalstar, a satellite data service used for personal locator devices, tracking shipping containers, and monitoring SCADA systems such as oil & gas drilling, vehemently dismissed research disclosed at Black Hat about vulnerabilities in its service. Globalstar issued a press statement on August 5 disputing research by Colby Moore, information security officer with Synack, who revealed how he was able to hack the Globalstar Simplex data service with equipment that cost him less than $1,000.... Moore says it's possible to decode the data and view it, as well as spoof it. He recently released on Github proof-of-concept code , which he says he's still working on with the help of other researchers. That would allow an attacker to spoof information about a shipping container's contents, or a rival energy firm to spy on another firm's oil drilling operation, he says. Source: www.darkreading.com