Exercise and diet 'not enough to lose weight' - Daily Mail

The mantra ‘eat less and move more’ is not enough to help fat people lose weight, experts claim. While the approach may help those who are obese shed pounds in the short term, most put the weight straight back on, they warn. Doctors need to regard obesity as a chronic disease with largely biological causes that cannot be cured through diet and exercise alone, the US specialists add. However dieting triggers several biological systems that drive us to eat high-calorie foods and gain weight – a hangover from when humans needed to store fat to survive in times of scarcity. And according to the four experts writing in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal, these biological reasons are why obese people often fail to maintain long-term weight loss. ‘Although lifestyle modifications may result in lasting weight loss in overweight individuals, in those with chronic obesity bodyweight seems to become biologically defended,’ he said. ‘Therefore, the current advice to eat less and exercise more may be no more effective for most obese individuals than a recommendation to avoid sharp objects for someone bleeding profusely. Source: www.dailymail.co.uk