Those aren't fangs - that old tiger's just long in the tooth - Foster's Daily Democrat

I’m not talking about a real tiger, of course. There were a few moments in which I wondered what prevented that fierce creature from lunging into our little topless Jeep like a starving three-year-old attacking a Happy Meal from McDonald’s. No real tigers in our house, thank you. This tiger — which, to my knowledge, has no name — is more than 100 years old. It sits upright about a foot or so and has a huge head made of hard plastic. I think it’s the tiger’s face that’s been giving Valerie nightmares. I think the tiger looks friendly enough, even if its mouth is wide open and it’s bearing its fangs, but its expression is so hardened by that inflexible plastic that perhaps it does look a little unsettling or demented in a dated way. You could probably run over the tiger’s head with a logging truck and it would probably be just fine. While I threw out various mementos — old letters and an assortment of sentimental odds and ends, for example — I kept the tiger. Either way, I’m going to keep it. It’s 100 years old. I don’t think I own anything else that goes back that far. At first Valerie thought I was engaging her in a battle of wills, a stubborn contest between a husband and wife to see who would break first and put the tiger away. Source: