T&A Performance Skidplate for Protecting a Chevy DEF Tank - TruckTrend Network

There’s an important application for a diesel GM HD pickup in particular: shielding the diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank. On ’11-and-later Chevy and GMC pickups, it’s mounted fairly low on the passenger-side framerail, and vulnerable to damage. If the DEF tank does get punctured, the engine computer can sense a lack of DEF and go into shut-down mode, leaving you stranded in a remote area. Although GM now includes a thin skidplate on later-model trucks, shielding the tank with heavy-gauge steel plate is cheap insurance, especially if you head off-road or visit gnarly work areas on a regular basis. While there are a few different designs available for the aftermarket, the ’11-and up DEF Tank Skidplate shown here is from T&A Performance ($599 in bare metal, plus shipping). Made from 3/16-inch hot-rolled steel, it’s secured with five, ¾-inch, Grade 8 bolts threaded into stainless steel sleeves that are welded to the underside of the passenger-side framerail. Although fairly straightforward in concept, fitting this skidplate in place requires some careful preparation and test-fitting before applying either paint or powdercoating to. Source: www.trucktrend.com