The UN report on Israel's Gaza war: What you need to know - Washington Post

The long-anticipated report of the U. N. Human Rights Council on last year's war in the Gaza Strip directed criticism at both sides of the conflict — Israel and Palestinian armed factions, primarily the Islamist group Hamas. The 183-page report found both parties in last summer's 50-day Gaza war guilty of what may potentially amount to war crimes. A withering Israeli aerial bombardment of Gaza, combined with a ground offensive, flattened parts of the crammed coastal enclave and led to hundreds of Palestinian civilian deaths. " In particular, it bemoaned the lack of accountability on the part of Israeli officials conducting the war and expressed dismay that Israel did not alter its strategy of airstrikes even after it became clear that many civilians were dying. The report said that "the fact that the [Israeli] political and military leadership did not change its course of action, despite considerable information regarding the massive degree of death and destruction in Gaza, raises questions about... Meanwhile, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired nearly 5,000 rounds of rocket and mortar fire into Israel, and the report expressed "serious concerns" at the "inherently indiscriminate nature of most of the projectiles directed towards Israel. Source: