ClarionBuilds builds a 1974 BMW 2002 - LeftLane News

Clarion, long a player in the car audio and OEM parts arena, just might have figured out a way around the cacophony. Part marketing arm, and part restoration contractor, the group is headed by Clarion marketing VP Allen Gharapetian. ," ClarionBuilds is the group within the company that shows more practical utilization of the firm's audio systems. Instead of building out a dollar car from a manufacturer, Gharapetian thought it would be smarter to construct a car that would essentially be a daily driver showing off the company's best practices while utilizing their latest and greatest... Wouldn't it be a better idea to take an iconic ride like a classic cult-based car and modernize it with technology, while still respecting its heritage. The first such project for the brand is a 1974 BMW 2002. A cult classic in its own right, it is the ride that made the ultimate driving machine, well, the ultimate driving machine. Found after an exhaustive search, it was a model that had seen a bit of modification and parts swapping before Clarion found it for the less than princely, but affordable by any self-respecting auto journalist, sum of $6,000. Gharapetian said that... Source: