The New Smart ForTwo May Have The Best Smartphone Integration Of Any Car - Jalopnik

I’m, of course, not the first to come up with this concept — let the driver’s smartphone handle the car’s infotainment/navigation/center stack screen tasks — but I think Smart may be the first to really implement it. Well, Datsun did sort of have... Smart’s docking system holds the phone at physically the right center-stack location on the dash, and communicates via Bluetooth to a special Smart app that provides controls for the car’s nav/infotainment system. ” Looking at this list, this is pretty much moots what people tend to use that center screen for, and it has the advantage of being able to go with you when you leave the car to remind you where you parked, and how much time you have left on your... Also, if your phone is doing some of the center console/infotainment work for you, people may be less inclined or able to do stupid things like text and drive. My biggest gripe about the system right now is that it looks like it still requires a separate, physical cable to handle charging the phone, which you’d likely need to do if you have it running, with Bluetooth active, as your car’s center stack... I don’t see why they couldn’t have integrated 5V of USB-level charging power into the mount itself, with some sort of swappable end to accommodate iPhones or Android phones or whatever. Source: