This Is How Much It Costs To Run A Professional Race Team - Jalopnik

Here’s the story of how one team spent more than $150,000 on all of it – and that’s just for one race. And that’s before you get into the fuel and tires, which cost you a decent chunk of change for a bit of autocrossing and thus cost many multiples more when you’re at a real race track. Everyone knows racing costs a lot of money. “And the kids will be faster than me, so I’ve got to start my own shop. ” That was more than 25 years ago, and to this day, O’Neill stills owns the team in its entirety, and the whole operation is completely debt free. O’Neill said that it helps that he doesn’t own a million-dollar house, and he doesn’t drive a million-dollar car. He actually owns a Ford F-350, which he uses as his daily driver. And owning your own shop and owning it debt free is all very well and good. But as we’ve already established, racing is enormously pricey, and if you’re going to make any money off of it, the capital needs to come from somewhere. The Drivers “The funds mainly come from the drivers,” O’Neill said. Source: