Do I have to change or inspect my car's fluid? -

I own a 2014 Ford Fusion hybrid, during recent standard maintenance visits at two different dealerships I was told that my car was overdue for the 30,000 mile transmission fluid and filter change. Each time I rechecked my owner’s manual and found on the 30,000 page that I only needed to “inspect” the fluid, it said nothing of changing it. I hope you can clear up the confusion on which is the correct action (to change or not to change). Certainly changing the transmission fluid can’t hurt, but unless the fluid shows characteristics of overheating, it isn’t necessary. Even if you use the severe service schedule provided by Ford, the transmission fluid is not scheduled for a change until 110,000 miles. I believe this is strictly a recommendation by the servicing dealers and not one of Ford Motor Company. The tires still have good tread, but I think it may be time to change them. Do you have any recommendation for a good all-season tire that wears well and does not break the bank. Regarding tire, some tires can be noisier than others, some provide better traction and still others can help improve fuel economy. I have a Ford F-250 pick-up and the rear differential has started to make a clunking noise after being stuck pulling my boat out of the water. Source: