Sheldon Richardson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -

Defensive back, Sheldon Richardson , blindsided the New York Jets and the NFL when reports came out detailing Richardson’s arrest regarding speeding, drugs, a weapon and the presence of a 12-year-old on July 14, 2015. Richardson has been known to... He Was Arrested While Driving 143 MPH The New York Jets are deciding what to do with him in regards to suspension since he was already suspended for four games this season so far. The problem is they can’t afford to let go of one of their best players and he is has two more years left in his contract. The Jets have the option of picking him up for a third year and chances are they are going to take it. SB Nation said of the situation:. The only real option the Jets have is to wait to offer whatever support and guidance they can, and hope Richardson has learned from his mistakes. His two NFL seasons have produced a Rookie of the Year and a Pro Bowl. Source: