Facebooks Baby Doe Baffles Cops - Daily Beast

On Thursday June 25, a woman walking her dog by Massachusetts’ Deer Island shoreline spotted a 30-pound bundle wrapped in a plastic trash bag. She peered in. Inside was a zebra print fleece blanket, black and white polka-dot leggings, and the dead body of a 4-year-old child with brown eyes and long brown hair. The Massachusetts State Police assigned to the Suffolk County District Attorney arrived at the scene. State Police spokesman David Procopio was there too. “We knew it was a little girl right off the bat,” he told The Daily Beast. Since then detectives have determined more or less nothing about who this little girl is or how she arrived on Deer Island, dead and wrapped in plastic. They have not determined her race, although police suspect she is either Caucasian or Hispanic. But with so much media attention on this child and still no answers, police are beginning to make guesses about the circumstances surrounding this child’s death. “I think the fact that no one has come forward is suggestive that the family or caretaker or her circle of family or friends are intentionally not providing information—for whatever reason that may be,” says Procopio. “Some people have suggested that the family could be undocumented immigrants, or that the family is somewhat complicit,” he says. The girl was probably too young to have gone to school yet. Source: www.thedailybeast.com