Five Used Hybrid Cars To Consider Steering Clear Of - Green Car Reports

And just as new hybrid cars vary in efficiency, driving quality, and sales volume, some used hybrids may be a more conservative bet than others. A used Toyota Prius is by far the most familiar and most numerous hybrid, with more than 7 million sold globally over the last 18 years. But there are also a growing number of orphan hybrids showing up on used-car lots. And just because it says "Hybrid" on the badge doesn't mean that it will get particularly good gas mileage or be particularly pleasant to drive. Perhaps most worrisome, it may also be unfamiliar to your local dealer's service and maintenance staff, because so many hybrid orphans sold in such low numbers. We've gone back and updated it three years later to reflect the latest crop of orphans, substandard performers, and hybrid vehicles that we're just not all that impressed by. Your mileage may vary. 2011-2015 Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid. And it's hardly a volume vehicle, with fewer than 7,000 sold in all of 2014. That means the hybrid version of the Touareg is likely to be rarer yet, most likely no more than 15 percent of that number--and perhaps considerably less, considering... Source: