Volunteers beautify downtown Cove with art mural - The Killeen Daily Herald

We’re just figuring things out, how they work and how to get the community involved in a safe way,” said Linda Lapierre, a guild member and an art teacher at Taylor Creek Elementary School in Lampasas Independent School District. “This is the history of Five Hills, which is going to include the train depot, cattle because we started off as a cattle town, ‘Maxxis,’ who is a famous breeding stud, a mare and foal and the last panel is two 1st Cavalry Division soldiers riding... Guild members began painting the background earlier in the week in preparation and hope to not only get as many volunteers helping out as possible, but find other businesses who would be willing to have murals done on their building as well,... “We’re led by art teachers, which is why we waited until school was out to start,” she added. “We’d like to give a big shout-out to Active Construction and David Smith. Without this scaffolding, this would not be a safe endeavor for us. ”. Putting together a mural like this is something guild member Lynette Sowell said she has always wanted to do. “I love to paint, so it was just getting the group together and... “She just asked if we would like to join the painting,” Sidnie said. “I like to paint, so I said yes. Source: kdhnews.com