Legless reptiles - Louisiana Sportsman

--> I still remember a certain evening bow hunt many years ago at a hunting property in Copiah County that I owned at the time. Once shooting light had waned, I gathered my hunting kit and climbed down in preparation for a short, but strenuous uphill pull along a sinuous woods lane back to the camp house. For no particular reason, as I recall, in spite of it being almost dark, I chose to hike back without the aid of a flash light, just using what ambient star light filtered down through the tree tops. Slinging my bow over my shoulder, I began the hike back, looking up frequently at the starlit gap in the tree canopy that roughly marked the track of the woods lane. Now, being 6 feet tall with around a 3- foot stride, that placed this sudden, strange noise only one additional stride or just 3 feet from my toes as I screeched to a halt. Jumping back and grabbing my mini-mag flashlight out of my pocket, I flicked the switch on — revealing a large, angry, coiled and rattle-buzzing rattlesnake situated right in the center of the woods lane. I came away with a definite lesson learned, and I did not afterward roam around woods and fields in. Source: www.louisianasportsman.com