Clinton Police think boat and truck thefts are linked - Local 8 Now

A thief stole a truck from a Clinton towing business Saturday and police said it was likely used to steal a boat from another shop down the road. "This is the third time that I've had a vehicle stolen here and I built a new shop to park all the vehicles inside and keep 'em behind the fence and this truck was only sitting out for one day," said Billy Lowe, owner of Lowe's Towing. Between the time Lowe parked the truck overnight Saturday and came back to work at in the morning, his 2004 Ford F350 was gone. "You work hard here 24 hours a day, for the past twenty something years, and someone can just come in and take what belongs to you, it's pretty sad," Lowe said. But Clinton Police believe the truck showed up again, that evening, in surveillance video from Sunny Marine, also on Clinch Avenue. A man pulls up in what looks like Lowe's truck, cut the boat lock, and jacks a 2015 Malibu Wakesetter. I've never heard of anybody stealing an expensive boat -- from a dealership, for that matter," Recker said. "This morning we came in and realized there had been a bullet hole through the glass," Recker said. Someone is always out there to take it from you," Lowe said. The owner of the store said someone punched out the door locks to his pick-up, tried to pry open the back window, and drilled the ignition open. Source: