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for Edward Raczka from Tom and Carol Raczka, Mr. and Mrs. for Betty Sabol from Ann Marie Studlack, Rick and Barb Pielacha. for David Harvey from Rick and Barb Pielacha. for Alphonsa Pozza from Rick and Barb Pielacha, Ellen Valent. DiNicola from Alice Ford Rozetar, Rick and Barb Pielacha, Rita Tamalavage. for James and Mildred Stutz from James D. Stutz. The Rhodes Organization is looking to develop the 29. 725-acre site along East Market Street between Breezy Acres and Kimmels roads. Jerome Skrincosky, president of Hawk Valley Associates PC, Mohnton, has attended numerous meetings and a public hearing on behalf of the family-owned Rhodes Organization, Boyertown, which owns the tract in the borough that it wants to develop. n Pottsville: Maternal and Family Health Services has announced that the Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program has expanded income guidelines allowing more families to participate in the free nutrition education program. According to the new income guidelines for WIC, which began on July 1, a family of four could earn $44,863 annually and qualify for WIC. For a family of three, the income limit is $37,167 to qualify, and a family of two. Source: republicanherald.com