1999-2010 Ford Super Duty Fuel Tank Replacement - Tech and How-To - TruckTrend Magazine

If you drive a 1999- 2010 Ford F-250 , F-350, F-450 Super Duty pickup, F-550 diesel cab and chassis, diesel E-Series van, or Class C motorhome, you should know about an issue that can affect the fuel tanks. The first thing to go is the fuel filter, either in the tank -- which is hard to get to -- or the main filter. In the process, the fuel lines may be contaminated, and in worst-case scenarios, you could be looking at a clogged fuel pump or even injectors. According to a report from Reuters, Ford has been sued in a New Jersey federal court for allegedly selling F-Series pickup trucks and E-Series vans with defective fuel tank linings. The suit states that Ford knew about the problem and continued to sell affected vehicles over a 10-year period. It said the problem clogs fuel systems with debris and rust, causing a sudden loss of engine power and potentially causing vehicles to buck or kick or suddenly stall. The complaint further stated that “Ford in 2007 issued a ‘secret’ technical service bulletin to dealers advising them of the problem, but neither recalled the affected trucks nor offered to repair them for free. (There is no way to look inside the tank without removing it. ) You can replace the tank with another Ford tank at a cost of $1211-$2420 (ouch) and somewhere between $200 and. Source: www.trucktrend.com