1992 10Best Cars - Car and Driver (blog)

We don’t know this to be fact, but it may be impossible to do a Ten Best list without a Honda on it (one has appeared on all ten of our Ten Best Cars lists). This year’s Honda representative is the spanking-new Prelude Si—the two-wheel-steer version only. This fine distinction is made because we did not feel that the added four-wheel-steer capability justified the added cost for this option. Trust us, you won’t miss it. Nor will you miss one of the best driving experiences available. The Prelude Si sports coupe is completely redone for 1992. Taking several years of criticism into account, Honda changed the Prelude’s personality from plain vanilla to cayenne pepper, a change that went down well with the Car and Driver troops. The Prelude Si for 1992 has a softer yet more massive presence and is powered by a 160-hp 2. 3-liter version of the Accord engine. The balance and execution of this car made it the surprise vote-getter among a powerful Honda contingent that included both the Civic and the Accord. VEHICLE TYPE: front-engine, front-wheel-drive, 2+2-passenger, 2-door coupe. Source: www.caranddriver.com