Antonio Carbone case: Key statements contradicted in attempted murder ... -

However, a fifth estate investigation has found that the case against him is largely based on information that a key witness and the alleged victim himself now contradict. Carbone, 40, is accused of attempted murder in the firebombing of a rival's 1999 Jaguar Vanden Plas in the early hours of Dec. Watch: Antonio Carbone update from the fifth estate Casino mogul accused of attempted murder in DR The ffth estate : The mob and Michael DeGroote. The fifth estate has learned that key details of the Santo Domingo district attorney's case against Carbone appear to be based on some factual errors, and are contradicted by other evidence and what a key witness is now saying, all of which raise... 13 on CBC Television's the fifth estate at 9 p. m. . Carbone, a controversial figure, has been interviewed in recent months by CBC and the Globe and Mail as part of a year-long investigation into the debacle surrounding the Dream Casino group in... A fifth estate documentary, The mob and Michael DeGroote , which aired Jan. Source: