The £100k Jag: 2016 Jaguar XJ goes seriously premium - CAR Magazine

Priced from £58,690, on sale autumn Jaguar has taken a bullish approach to announcing the newly revised, 2016-model-year XJ . The car that overturned the British marque’s fusty old-boy image is at it again, not so much with its updated looks –... New InControl Touch Pro infotainment includes door-to-door navigation via the InControl Apps’ smartphone integration system. and Jaguar has ditched hydraulic power steering in favour of a new electrically assisted set-up that it says offers 'greater feel'. And as if in an effort to benefit from a clearer public synergy between Jaguar and Land Rover, the XJ also gains a new top-spec Autobiography trim level. Better feel from electric steering, 4wd-beating traction from RWD. These are certainly bold claims - you've got to admire Jag's chutzpah. The conventional view suggests the sacrifice of hydraulic assistance on the altar of efficiency has been a Very Bad Thing for driving involvement, yet here’s Jaguar saying the XJ’s new electrically assisted system offers improved feedback. Seriously, though, it’s a bold claim – the sense of which will have to wait until we’ve experienced it. But Jaguar is adamant: ‘hydraulic systems have nothing more to give and have reached the limit. Source: