He's 230 pounds lighter, so Milford Corvair fan has a new ride - Wicked Local Franklin

MILFORD - In the three years that "My Ride, My Story" has been running in the Daily News, the stories about people and their cars have been a mix of both classic car history, family lore and personal revelations. Readers learned about cars and usually in equal portions about the owner, perhaps someone they saw driving their local streets for years in a recognizable ride. But what Ray Bombardier has done is inspirational, not only for the stark difference in his health and appearance but also for what his weight loss meant for his relationships with people and cars. I have been involved with an amazing group of individuals for nearly 22 years - The Bay State Corvair Club. Over that span of time I have been a 'caretaker' of five early model Corvairs produced from 1960-1964. Until I bought this car, I had never owned (or even driven), a late model - ones built from 1965-1969. Most Corvair owners are passionate about... The Corvair is a collector car that is finally catching on with collectors. Any part you would need to keep your Corvair humming is a phone call or key stroke away from Clark's Corvair Parts, for over 40 years the largest supplier of new/used Corvair parts in the world located right here in Massachusetts on the historic... Source: franklin.wickedlocal.com