JPL and Its Spacecraft Exploratory Missions - Canada Free Press

On a recent trip to California, I was constantly reminded of what is wrong with California, a state whose economy was so booming decades ago that, had it been a stand-alone state, it would have been the world’s sixth largest economy. Looking at this state now, ravaged by years and years of Marxist policies, open borders, unchecked illegal immigration, anchor babies, multiculturalism, insane diversity rules, sanctuary cities, multi-lingual school system, illegal voting, tax... Tobacco smoke is known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. California is so protective of animals and planets, even wolves and planet Earth need lawyers. California was the golden state, the sunshine state, but the gold has long run out, the luster is now tarnished, perhaps golden brown on account of all the dead grasses from the three-year drought. For over fifty years, JPL’s robotic missions have explored every planet in our solar system. Source: