Farewell to the Land Rover Defender 110 - Automobile

Sometimes life is like a ’90s Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon. The truth, however, is that I’m driving a brand-new Land Rover Defender 110 to Scotland, where my daughter Ellie is moving to begin college, and waves of emotion, happy and sad, are pounding the psychic coastline, testing my skill in the great... Here’s hoping those bald tires hold on. I’ll really miss my beautiful daughter, who’s (almost) all grown up. But because this is a car magazine I won’t dwell on that, because I’m also completing what is probably my last drive in a new Defender. I’m reprising—also with more than a hint of sadness—what has been a Kitman family travel tradition dating back to the 1960s, when my dad borrowed a Land Rover station wagon to run for president (see Automobile , November ’96). This being 2014,... Fred drives a 1996 Defender 90, the latest in a series of well-used Land Rovers that were run hard and put away wet long before he bought them to run hard and put away wet. Source: www.automobilemag.com