2014 Mazda 5 - The Car Connection

At The Car Connection we are continually striving to get you timely, relevant information about the vehicle you are interested in. Our email updates will notify you whenever we have new information on this vehicle. new car reviews for this model by our editors news including price changes, new models, or recall info new incentives and rebates that are being offered for this vehicle. A minivan can feel like a sentence for a dull car life, especially if you're making that indelicate transition between the college years and the mortgage years and the daycare years. Drive the Mazda 5 and you'll probably agree, you don't have to let go of your soul all at once. The Mazda 5 has a charming simplicity. It combines all the usefulness of a minivan with the nimble driving feel of a small hatchback. It's arguably a more exciting option than some of the crossovers most newly minted small families are likely to choose. The Mazda 5 was redesigned a couple of years ago, and at that time its compact proportions and boxy fundamentals remained, yet some aggressive contouring in its fenders and a rhythmic flow to its surfaces and creases added a lot more excitement to... It is indeed a minivan, but at least it's one that's very different--even sporty--looking. Source: www.thecarconnection.com