Engineering That Truly Makes Nissan LEAF Awesome - Torque News

Almost like eyes that are starring and trying to focus, Nissan LEAF headlights are positioned in such a way as to immediately become noticeable upon first encounter. It is strange how people start off a little unsure about the lights and the front of the car since it really isn’t something that other cars are noted for. As a pure electric car that is a quiet car, sounds you normally don’t hear in a gas car are heard in the electric cars. As a result, during testing of this car, the Nissan Engineers noticed that the side mirrors ended up causing a whistling noise which they found annoying while test driving. I eventually reconnected the noise maker because as a result of my disconnecting it I lost the back up noise for reverse operation. Since I have kids, I felt this was more important to keep at this point so I suffer the noise maker even thought I initially didn’t like it. Top 10 sound hacks for electric cars Nissan Can Avert LEAF Pending Crisis If It Makes This Single Change Source: