Motor Mouth: I raced a self-driving Audi RS 7 — and won - Driving

One modestly-talented, only-slightly-brain-damaged auto journalist: 1. High-tech self-driving Audi RS 7 : 0. Yep, unlike Garry Kasparov — who famously distressed a then-analog world when he lost his first chess game to IBM’s Deep Blue — your... Admittedly, such braggadocio would seem unbecoming, especially since neither man (that would be me) nor machine (the Audi’s MicroAutobox ECU) were threatening lap records when we were racing around Sonoma Raceway in Audi’s “piloted driving”... For, if there’s a surprise in all the hullabaloo surrounding Audi’s attacking of racetracks with its automated automobiles, it is that the self-driving technology currently allowing an RS 7 to race around circuits is truly in its infancy. Contrary to the street-going, self-driving Google cars with “visual” sensors that can detect squirrel and human alike, Robby has no cameras and could not, as its higher-tech confreres can, “see” anything in front of it. Motor Mouth: The dark side... Indeed, programming Robby to race around Sonoma couldn’t be simpler: A handler took the Audi out for two laps — one on the very outside of the track, one on the immediate inside — to feed topographic coordinates (a data point for every five... Source: