WNC student veteran, community servant receives gift of refurbished vehicle - Carson Now

What better way is there to celebrate America’s birthday than to provide a life-changing gift to someone who has served our country in the U. S. Marines and Navy. For the second time in seven months, Western Nevada College has worked with National Auto Body Council Executive Director Chuck Sulkala, State Farm Insurance Company, and the Recycled Rides project to donate a refurbished automobile to a deserving... For both of WNC’s Recycled Rides projects, State Farm Insurance donated the vehicles. On Saturday, July 4, at the Carson City campus, WNC presented a 2006 GMC Envoy car to Michael Atkinson, a veteran who is enrolled at the college. “We were looking at not only someone who has served our country but is also serving their community when they got back,” said Timothy Galluzi, a pre-admissions adviser for WNC’s Veterans Resource Center who served eight years in the U. S. Marine... Atkinson was selected, in part, because of his contributions to both of WNC’s Recycled Rides project. They both joined the U. S. Navy in 2008, and Atkinson eventually became part of the U. S. Marine Corps, where he helped assist the injured on front lines in Afghanistan. Source: carsonnow.org