General Tire celebrates 100 years with truck tires for every tractor-trailer ... - Overdrive Magazine

In celebration of 100 years of innovation, experience and reliability, General Tire launched three new highway truck tires at this year’s Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, Ky. In a press conference Wednesday before the show’s Thursday,... “We’re putting new emphasis on General Tire for the indepndents and small fleet businesses,” he said. In research leading into development of the new General HS (steer position), HD (drive) and HT (trailer) tires, Continental found what owner-operators want is not often what tire manufacturers are giving them. Not to misunderstand, he added, “they do want the tire to meet Smartway specs, but more importantly they want it to be durable, so they put it on and forget about it. ”. At MATS this year, the company is launching the regional and long-haul... “We’ve engineered our product specific to target durability and cost-per-mile, the best mileage overall – we’re the only manufacturer doing that today,” Chmiel said. All General truck tires, he noted, are produced at the company’s Mt. Vernon, Ill. Source: