The 10 Best Heist Films Since 2000 - (blog)

Heist (2001) David Mamet's swear-laden dialogue kicks an airport novel plot up a notch. Gene Hackman plays the leader of a seasoned heist crew, described by magician-turned-actor Ricky Jay as being "so cool, when he goes to bed, sheep count him. Hackman's burglar is the reverse Inspector Clouseu, a master of disguise who'll whip out a six-shooter when necessary. That doesn't make Ocean's 13 is an extended criminal two-step, diving straight into the vengeful heist plot with little setup. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and the rest of the crew returned for this lean romp that lays into the flamboyance—Fake noses. —that one only finds in Las Vegas. Intensity builds with every mention, compounding the bank heist at hand. Clive Owen orchestrates his bank heist in broad daylight for maximum exposure. It's not about how he got in, but why he's there (and if he'll get out in one piece). They both feel criminal. Source: