Overall, Americans feel pretty good about all those religious Christmas displays - Washington Post

In the government-owned space designated for privately funded open speech, a nativity scene will sit alongside a Festivus pole, accompanied by a diorama from the Satanic Temple , among other displays. But according to a new poll, many Americans aren’t interested in seeing non-Christian religious displays earn space on government property like the rotunda. A plurality of Americans — 44 percent — believes that the government should allow Christian symbols on public property without necessarily including religious symbols from other faiths, according to a Pew poll out this week. Forty-eight percent of respondents believe that either those Christian symbols must sit alongside symbols of other believers (28 percent), or that religious symbols simply shouldn’t be allowed on government property at all (20 percent). And the Satanic Temple is in the process of building a giant statue intended for display at the Oklahoma capitol, in response to a privately funded Ten Commandments monument placed outside the capitol a few years ago. (In case you haven’t noticed, the Satanic Temple often challenges religious display regulations by applying for space in states like Florida and Oklahoma that, at least on paper, will allow privately funded religious displays of any faith. Source: www.washingtonpost.com