Former President Jimmy Carter has brain cancer -

“It is in the hands of the God who I worship,” Carter said at a press conference, adding he feels “good,” and that he’s following the recommendations of his doctors. Carter, speaking slowly and softly, said he had been overwhelmed with phone calls of support including calls from Secretary of State John Kerry and both former president Bushes, who called at once. Carter said he wasn’t in a lot of discomfort but had some shoulder pain. Obviously I’ll have to defer quite substantially to my doctors who are in charge of the treatment,” Carter said Thursday, saying he’ll get his first radiation treatment this Thursday afternoon. Carter said he would cut back at his work at the Carter Center and at teaching at nearby Emory University. “I really wanted to go to Nepal to build houses,” Carter said. I was very hopeful about that, but if it interrupts the treatment regiment I think I need to get the treatment. Jimmy Carter served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. He was awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for work to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote... Source: