Law Enforcement Log: JPD incident reports - Jackson County Times-Journal

• Beverly A. Henson, 51, of Jackson was cited for drug abuse. She reportedly became combative and was placed in a JPD holding cell until she was picked up. July 12. • Ryan C. Tipton, 32, of Jackson was cited for disorderly by intox. after the Corner Pub reported he had been asked to leave five times and refused to do so. He was reportedly calling people names and shouting obscenities. • A falling tree on West Street struck and red Ford F-250 causing significant damage to the vehicle and a fence. • A report about two hispanics entering Walmart, and one who appeared to have concealed a gun in the back of his pants brought JPD officers to the scene. They found no weapon, but Edgar R. A. Morales was cited for disorderly by intox. • Chrystal M. Howard, 27, of Jackson reported that her living room window was broken out and her entire house vandalized. • Thomas A. May, 25, of Jackson was cited for disorderly by intox. after the police received a report about a fight at Jackson View Apartments. He was observed walking away from the fight scene and appeared to be very intoxicated. Source: