Meet the Press Transcript - August 16, 2015 -

In four years, you're going to be interviewing me, and you're going to say, "What a good job you've done, President Trump. CHUCK TODD:. Iowa voters are saying this about Hillary's troubles:. IOWA VOTER. CHUCK TODD:. And finally, how much fried food can you get for 50 bucks at the Iowa State Fair. Joining me for insight and analysis this morning are Jeff Greenfield, contributor to The Daily Beast, Molly Ball of The Atlantic, Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal, and Eugene Robinson, of The Washington Post. Welcome to Sunday, it's Meet the Press. From NBC News in Washington, this is Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. CHUCK TODD:. Good Sunday morning. When he first began talking about running for president, a lot of people dismissed him, including myself. Topping national and state polls, drawing 24 million people to the GOP debate, and simply dominating the coverage so far. I caught up with Trump yesterday in Des Moines, Iowa for his first face-to-face Sunday morning interview as a candidate. CHUCK TODD:. Some of the criticism on you from conservatives is you're not a real conservative. Source: