Mark Henry: And the debate continues - The Union of Grass Valley

I moved here in 2000, just as the debate over NH2020 was heating up. To this day, rarely a week goes by without editorials and/or comments in The Union regarding the meaning and intent of the U. S. Constitution and how its current interpretation... It is in this vein that it is important to keep in mind that the U. S. Constitution was not a divinely inspired document presented in whole to an adoring public. Today’s sometimes vitriolic discussions regarding the meaning and intent of the U. S. Constitution can’t hold a candle to the level of angst displayed when it was presented to the American people. the ratification of this new governing document was no sure thing in 1788. Many of our Founding Fathers, including Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry opposed adoption in the form it was originally presented. It was only by changing much of the intent and meaning of the original document (the document that came out of the Constitutional Convention), that passage was possible. This is certainly something to keep in mind the next time anyone claims to “know” what the original intent and meaning was of our foundational governing document. Source: