Dodge Charger Is 'Classic,' But Newer Models Are Most Stolen - News

But according to a new vehicle-theft report, Dodge muscle cars available for lawful purchase aren't the only ones disappearing. -based auto-theft number crunchers, released a new study focusing on the Dodge Charger and its theft history during the past 3 1/2 decades. That's an average of more than 1,300 a year, a number that's only been on the rise since the Charger's return to production for the 2006 model year. In fact, the 3,500 Chargers stolen in 2014 nearly doubled the number stolen back in 1981, at a time when auto theft — which declined by nearly half in the past decade alone — was far more common. Last year was the highest year on record for Charger thefts, followed by 2011, when there were 2,967 thefts, 2010 with 2,950, 2009 with 2,946, and 2013 with 2,931. While NICB's report is titled "Classics," newer models have experienced the... The top five model years stolen were: 2006 (7,309), 2007 (6,059), 2008 (3,526), 2010 (2,737) and 2009 (1,564). Charger theft ranged from 1,805 in 1981 to 1,577 in 1986 and then began to slide after production ceased in 1987. After that, figures... Source: