Woman uninjured when car overturns in east side accident - The Banner-Graphic
The 2010 Chrysler Sebring then struck a utility pole and the Speedway gas station sign. One of these collisions apparently caused the vehicle to become airborne, as it struck a second utility pole, this one at a much higher point than the first. Not only did the impact break the pole, but it also overturned McCammack's vehicle in the roadway. Greencastle Police Officer Eric Vaughan investigated the accident, with assistance from other officers. If you feel that a comment is offensive, please Login or Create an account first, and then you will be able to flag a comment as objectionable. Please also note that those who post comments on bannergraphic. com may do so using a screen name, which may or may not reflect a website user's actual name. Readers should be careful not to assign comments to real people who may have names similar to screen names. Source: www.bannergraphic.com