Slain TV reporter's boyfriend asks for dialogue over gun violence - CNN

"There needs to be some action that is taken out of an event like this -- out of an event like Sandy Hook, like Charleston, like Aurora, Colorado. where these things just don't occur anymore," Chris Hurst told CNN on Thursday, citing a litany of American gun violence. "We need to have a substantive conversation on what is going on in America that is allowing evil to continue to crop up over love. And the attacker knew this was going to get a lot of play, and here we are again, another mushroom cloud of coverage over gun violence. In a ranting note sent to ABC News before his death, Flanagan blamed his misery on black men and white women and said he was "somewhat racist against whites, blacks and Latinos. He decided to buy a gun days after the Charleston, South Carolina, church shooting in June, he said. "I think the media can have an even stronger effect to be positive if we can use this as a conversation in figuring out why we are allowing hate to creep into people's hearts instead of fostering love," he said at memorial for the victims. "We need to ask why this is happening, and we need to keep the conversation going. We don't want to keep it going because it's tiresome and then, we just wait for another one to happen, and we say, 'This is a huge issue,'. Source: