1968 Ford Mustang Autocross Champ with a Half Century of Chasing Apexes - Mustang 360

John Fendel has been autocrossing his 1968 Mustang Fastback since he bought it brand new. “In the early days there weren’t suspension kits or soft-compound tires for autocrossing, we had to run heavy-duty suspension from big-block cars, and we had to make our own slicks,” John explained. it was challenging without the high-speed crashes like on the road course, and I learned a lot about car control without having to spend a ton of money on safety equipment—just a tank of gas and some tires,” Fendel explained. Like so many of us, John became a ponycar fan the moment a family member bought one. His father was nice enough to let John drive it several times while he was in college and, as a result, a year later he was at the dealer ordering the Mustang of his dreams. “It had to be a fastback and I really liked the Highland Green from the car in the movie, Bullitt , but I didn’t want a big-block because of the excessive weight over the nose or the added insurance costs, and the Hi-Po small-block wasn’t... He might have learned the basics of car control in the winding hills surrounding the Bay Area, but when he joined the National Counsel of Mustang Clubs by way of the local Ford dealer in Berkeley, California, the many club-sponsored rallies and... Source: www.mustangandfords.com