Police report: Assault with a runaway vehicle, stealing more license plates ... - Woodbury Bulletin

They ordered water, for free, before a Woodbury woman noticed her purse was unzipped and then her bank called to say someone attempted to use her credit cards. 4, firefighters responded to a home along Oak Grove Circle, only to find that the reported fire was merely a smoking washing machine with no fire. 4, police responded to an accident involving a Woodbury Public Safety ambulance and a Toyota Corolla parked near the intersection of Oak Grove Boulevard and Oak Grove Circle. The right rear corner of the ambulance struck the left front corner of the parked car, resulting to minor damages to both vehicles. 4, a Woodbury man allegedly issued terroristic threats during an argument at a home along Eagle Valley Drive, saying he would kill the adult son with whom he was arguing. The son accused his father of third-degree assault and fifth-degree domestic assault, as the man hit his son in the head with a large glass ball. The son was at Woodwinds Health Campus getting stitches when police responded. The son said his father has a gun in his bedroom. 5, a suspect in a previous gas drive-off returned to a gas station in the 1500 block of Weir Drive, selected the “pay inside” feature, and pumped 14 gallons of gas into a silver GMC Jimmy with stolen license plates. As the suspect began to move, an employee confronted him, yelling at him to pay for his gas. Source: www.woodburybulletin.com